Wednesday 6 May 2015

Hot Water Boilers System | 732-853-1220 | Expert

Plumbing today
In many parts of America, having no Hot Water Boilers System or heating means that the winter months are a desperate time; families huddle under blankets, using open fires to stay warm. It sounds like something from the dark ages, but many Americans are living like this today.

The sad truth is that many Americans still have no plumbing at all. Perhaps some of these are simply not interested, but they are a minority among the 1.6 million people who are living without running water or sewage.

If you have been having problems with your own heating or Hot Water Boilers, do not be complacent. What appears to be a small problem today may escalate and result in a breakdown. These problems always seem to get worse in the depths of winter when they are needed the most, so if in doubt contact RupCoe today and we will be happy to take a look and advise you on the best course of action.

Indian reservations

The areas where plumbing is still absent from many homes are mostly in Indian reservations. This suggests that not having plumbing may be more of a cultural choice than an economic one; however, the Indian reservations are generally very poor areas with high levels of unemployment and poor welfare.

Generally, the hotter states tend to have more homes without plumbing. In 1990, 12.5 percent of homes in Arkansas were without plumbing, and West Virginia and Kentucky had around three percent of homes without.

By contrast, at the same time in New Jersey, only 0.5 percent of homes were without plumbing. We can only assume that these homes had open fires or used electrical heaters during the winter months to stay warm.

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